CEHS Graduate Student Travel Award Application

CEHS Graduate Student Travel Award Application

Travel needs to be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to expected travel departure date.

Modest support for graduate students attending professional meetings and conferences may be requested through the college's Research and Graduate Studies office (contingent upon available funds). Requests will be prioritized for graduate students working directly with a CEHS graduate faculty member. Additionally, to be eligible for funding, graduate programs must ensure that a student representative regularly attends CEHS Graduate Student Advisory Council meetings.

Education and Human Sciences graduate students may request assistance for expenses related to attendance at regional or national professional meetings. This funding is supplemental to departmental, university, and/or personal funds received by the student. Applicants must meet one of the following criteria to qualify for the support: (1) Present a paper/poster; (2) Serve as a workshop presenter, panel member, or conference organizer; or (3) Serve as an official delegate representing a college or OSU graduate student organization.


CHECK LIST - A complete application for travel support consists of the following items:
1) CEHS Graduate Student Travel Award Application
2) Budget worksheet
3) Letter or documentation confirming your participation in the conference. You must provide official conference documentation that your paper/poster was accepted for presentation at the conference.
4) Copy of abstract of paper/poster submitted for presentation

Submit your complete online application at least one month prior to the conference/meeting. Upon review and approval from the Sr. Associate Dean for Research, Graduate Studies & Faculty Affairs (339 Willard Hall), your application will be forwarded to your department/school for review and consideration.

You will be notified via email regarding the approved amount of college support available for your travel. Please communicate with your PI for additional contributions.