This form is to be used by OSU departments wishing to update or extend an intern’s current program. When requesting extensions, please note the maximum program length for interns is 12 months.
To process an extension of an internship, a complete intern evaluation must be submitted with the request for program extension. Extensions will not be granted to interns whose program evaluations have not been submitted. You can find the J-1 Student Intern Evaluation Form here.
The responsible OSU department hosting the Intern must:
1) Complete and sign the digital DS-2019 Extension Request Form
2) Along with DS-2019 extension request form, please include all the following required supplemental digital documents (upload on page 8)
A. Sponsoring OSU departmental letter of invitation describing terms and conditions and length of stay (should include financial support if appropriate).
B. Financial Documentation for all sources ‐ letter from visitor’s funding source(s) and letter of offer, bank statements, etc. All documents must be dated within 6 months of the request, have the exchange visitor’s name on the document, specify amounts in US Dollars.
C. Training/Internship Placement Plan (DS‐7002) – Signed by Dept. and Intern before submission to ISS
You can find the DS-7002 file here (Note- We require this form to be completed in a digital format for immigration processing and upload it on page 9. No signature required on the digital form. After submission of the digital form, please download to a paper format and sign. Please bring a hard copy with signature to the ISS Office so that we can mail it along with DS-2019.)
D. Copies of all DS-2019s, J visas, and I-94s
E. Verification of Extended Health Insurance Coverage - for program extensions only**You can find the Health Insurance agreement Form here
F. Dependent Verification FormYou can find the Dependent Request and Verification Form here
3) Verify that ALL data on digital request form is identical to the information page(s) on the passport(s).
4) Provide payment instructions for sending the documents to the intern applicant.
The Department of State requires that all J‐1 visa holders maintain health and emergency medical evacuation insurance for the duration of their program. Failure to fulfill this requirement can result in the termination of the exchange visitor’s program.
The intern must show proof of an extended insurance plan before an extension will be issued.
jscholar@okstate.edu, Tel: (405)744‐5459